I am so excited to get this blog started! Due to my technical naivete, it took me a little bit, but here it is! I can now keep you informed of my year-long commitment to end sex trafficking-fundraising effort, through the Global Seva Challenge India 2012, in collaboration with Off the Mat, Into the World. My hope is to inspire you to join me in raising awareness about the sex trafficking industry as well help me to meet my goal of raising $20,000 for Off the Mat Into the World. All the proceeds raised will go towards providing refuge, rehabilitation and economic opportunities for survivors, and empower them to live with dignity and respect. 

    Please help end sex trafficking and make a tax deductible donation. Remember to list my name " Jill Gutowski" as the participant you are donating in the name of. Thank you so much!


    Jill Gutowski has been a practitioner of hatha yoga, meditation and holistic healing for over 18 years.  She teaches in the Princeton, NJ area.


    October 2012
    September 2012
    July 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012
    April 2012
    March 2012

